Father Who Took on Taragis “Tattoo Sa Noo” Challenge to Receive Financial Help

Netizens pledge to give financial help to the father who took on Taragis’ “Tattoo sa Noo” Challenge

APRIL FOOLS – Netizens pledge to provide financial assistance to the father who accepted Taragis’ “Tattoo sa Noo” Challenge.

Taragis, a local Takoyaki establishment, found itself in controversy after issuing an April Fools Day challenge. According to the challenge, anyone bold enough to tattoo the Taragis logo on their body, particularly their forehead, would be entitled to a substantial reward of ₱100,000.

One netizen, Ramil Albano, accepted the challenge and had the tattoo done on his forehead. He then reached out to Taragis through a comment on their post, expressing his anticipation for their response.


However, Taragis insisted that it was merely a prank. They explained that their April Fools Day announcement had been made earlier, and they had received numerous responses before someone took it seriously. This led the Takoyaki store to emphasize the importance of understanding messages correctly.

Subsequently, Taragis deleted their statement following backlash from netizens. Presently, the issue continues to circulate online, becoming one of the trending topics on the microblogging site, X, previously known as Twitter, with over 2k tweets.

Some netizens defended Ramil and criticized Taragis, arguing that they shouldn’t expect everyone to understand their pranks, particularly considering that not all Filipinos are familiar with April Fool’s Day customs. Meanwhile, many have pledged financial support for Ramil, especially upon learning about his child with special needs.

Certain netizens demanded that Taragis award the ₱100,000 prize to Ramil, as their initial challenge post didn’t explicitly state that it was an April Fools Day prank. However, the Takoyaki store has yet to address the matter.

Meanwhile, some netizens pledge to provide financial assistance to Ramil. “Hi Kuya! It’s not an April Fools joke, but here’s a P10,000 for you! We may not be the brand tattooed on your forehead, but your dedication to win makes you a winner for us. Send us a message with proof that you’re the person in the photo with the tattoo on your forehead to get details on how to claim your prize. Congratulations!” ChizMozza noted.

Related Post: Taragis Takoyaki Receives Backlash Over Forehead Tattoo April Fools Challenge

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