Toddler Argues w/ Mom, Insisting Trees Are Non-Biodegradable


Adorable Toddler Insisting Trees Are Non-Biodegradable Brings Good Vibes Online An adorable toddler has brought good vibes online by arguing with his mom, insisting that trees are non-biodegradable. Children are young human beings who are typically below the age of puberty and have not yet reached adulthood. They are often characterized by their curiosity, energy, … Read more

Creepy Entity Spotted While Young Kid Takes Selfie

Creepy Entity

Concerned Mom Expresses Fear After Creepy Entity Spotted to her Son’s Selfie CREEPY ENTITY – A creepy entity has been spotted while a young kid is taking a selfie using his mother’s mobile phone. Nowadays, a lot of people are skeptical and do not believe in paranormal activities and supernatural creatures due to modern technology. … Read more

Toddler Found Dinosaur Footprint on Beach Over 220 Million Years Old

Dinosaur Footprint

4-Year-Old Toddler Found 220-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Footprint on Beach A 4-year-old toddler found a dinosaur footprint, which is over 220 million years old on a beach at Bendricks Bay in Wales. Last Friday (January 29, 2021), National Museum Wales said that a young girl identified as Lily Wilder discovered dinosaur footprints on a beach in Wales. … Read more