Philippines COVID-19 Risk Level: DOH Reveals Status of PH Now

Philippines COVID-19 Risk Level

DOH Speaks on Philippines COVID-19 Risk Level Now amid Rise on Cases PHILIPPINES COVID-19 RISK LEVEL – The Department of Health (DOH) revealed the status of the COVID-19 situation in the Philippines now. The world remains in the midst of a fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that we … Read more

Vergeire Says DOH Prefers To Keep Mandatory Wearing Of Face Masks In PH

DOH Officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire

DOH Officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire: “The position of the Department of Health is for us to continue on masking but …” VERGEIRE — DOH Officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said that the Department of Health prefers to keep the mandatory wearing of face masks in the Philippines amidst the coronavirus pandemic. On Tuesday, she said in … Read more

DOH Mental Health Program Included in Department’s Offers

DOH Mental Health Program

DOH MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM – The Department of Health launched several programs for the benefit of the people. DOH is the turn-to of many Filipinos with regards to their health concerns. Among the offers of the department are programs that focus on the people’s mental health.

DOH Cancer Program – List of Programs of the Department of Health

DOH Cancer Program

DOH CANCER PROGRAM – Among the programs of the Department of Health aim to prevent cancer and help the patients’ treatment. The Department of Health (DOH) has a lot of programs for the benefit of the Filipino people. It wants to ensure the health and safety of the Filipinos in several fields including cancer.

DOH Urges All LGUs To Follow Face Mask Policy

DOH Officer-in-Charge Maria Rosario Vergeire

DOH: “Let us do this in a one nation approach, na hindi tayo mag kanya-kanya” DOH — The Department of Health urged all local government units to follow the face mask policy amidst the coronavirus pandemic. The DOH urged all LGUs to follow the policy on the wearing of face masks. According to the health … Read more