Minimum Wage Earner Able to Buy Own House Through Hard Work

Minimum Wage Earner Buys Own House “Kung nakaya ko, kakayanin niyo rin!

A minimum wage earner who managed to purchase his own house through hard work goes viral and earns admiration from netizens.

Recently, Rhy Villaruel, a Facebook user, shared a photo of his newly acquired home, as a fruit of his dedication and determination. The post quickly went viral and garnered reactions from the online community.

The 25-year-old guy earning a minimum wage couldn’t believe that he could bought his own home. He took a leap of faith and exert countless prayers as he took on his responsibility as a young adult.

Minimum Wage

Aside from his full-time job, he also pursued his passion through various sidelines. He emphasized that his intention was not to boast but to inspire and encourage others who may find themselves in similar situations.

Villaruel wanted to convey the message that if he could achieve this feat, then others could too. He also expressed his gratitude towards God for this early birthday gift and for answering his prayers.

Minimum Wage

Here is the full post:

Who would thought that a 25-year old guy who earns minimum wage will having this great investment?

Hmm, for me, it takes a leap of faith, delayed gratification and countless prayers as I enter this big responsibility as a young adult. Aside sa full time job, I’m also using my passion to do back to back sidelines.

This post is not to brag anyone, but to inspire and encourage someone na nasa same status ko rin. Kung nakaya ko, kakayanin niyo rin!

Thank you, Lord for this early birthday gift, and an answered prayer.

Meet my new homie, #Faith!

“He has made everything beautiful in His time.”

– Ecclesiates 3:11

PS: This home is located at Tanauan Park Place. Henlo sa mga kapitbahay na taga TPP din!”

Minimum Wage

The internet users expressed their reactions to the post:

His inspiring story serves as a reminder that with perseverance, hard work, and faith, even the seemingly impossible can become a reality.

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