Non-Advisory Teacher Airs Sentiments: “umaasa kalang na ambunan ka ng tiratirang pansit”

Non-Advisory Teacher Expresses Sentiments During Christmas Party

A non-advisory teacher has expressed his sentiments, saying, “umaasa kalang na ambunan ka ng tiratirang pansit.”

Christmas parties at school are special occasions where students and teachers gather to celebrate the spirit of the season. It’s a wonderful time of the year when schools come alive with laughter, sparkling lights, and the warmth of shared celebrations.

No Christmas party is complete without delicious treats! Tables are filled with mouth-watering treats, savoring the flavors of the season.

Non-Advisory Teacher

Recently, Leo, Urrea, a Facebook user, shared a photo of a non-advisory teacher patiently waiting for an invitation to join the holiday feast. The post quickly circulated online and elicited reactions from the netizens.

In the photo, a non-advisory teacher was seen standing outside a classroom, holding an empty plate, and waiting for an invitation from his fellow educators to join in the Christmas party festivities.

It shows the challenges faced by non-advisory teachers during such celebrations, as they rely on the kindness of advisory teachers to share the joy of the season, particularly when it comes to enjoying festive food.

In another story, a teacher shares inspiring journey: “from construction to the classroom”

These educators, without their advisory class, often find themselves on the sidelines, hoping to be included in the enjoyment by considerate advisory teachers. The post draws attention to the often-overlooked experiences of non-advisory teachers.

As schools and communities come together to celebrate, it’s a gentle reminder to extend invitations and kindness to everyone, ensuring that the spirit of Christmas is truly shared among all educators.

 Here is the full post:

Ang hirap ng non adviser… pag ganitong Christmas Party umaasa kalang sa mababait na adviser na ambunan ka ng tiratirang pansit”

As the holiday season approaches, it serves as a reflection on how everyone can contribute to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all members of the school community.

The internet users expressed their reactions to the post:

Non-Advisory Teacher

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