Kind Homeless Man Earns Praises After Feeding Stray Cats Although He Didn’t Have Much to Eat

Homeless Man

Kind Homeless Man Feeds Stray Cats Although He Don’t Have Enough Food For Himself A kind-hearted homeless man earned praises online after feeding stray cats although he didn’t have much to eat. Kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward. Kindness is … Read more

Stray Cats Occupied Circle Marks Intended for Social Distancing

Stray Cats

Photos of Stray Cats Occupied Circle Marks Intended for Physical Distancing Several stray cats were spotted occupying the circle marks, which are intended for the implementation of social distancing measures. Over the past few months, the government officials and frontliners are strictly implementing the lockdown protocols to contain the spread of the new coronavirus disease. … Read more