Customer Commends Fast-Food Crew for Respectful Pronoun Use

Customer Expresses Admiration to Fast-Food Crew Over Respectful Act

JOLLIBEE — A customer has praised a branch of a popular fast-food chain for the staff’s respectful use of pronouns.

Recently, a netizen named Arem Gia Providence shared their positive experience with a crew of the Jollibee branch in Bulan, showing how they used the correct pronouns when addressing them. The post garnered various reactions from the internet users.

During the visit, Arem placed an order and the crew member initially used “Sir” but quickly corrected it to “Ma’am” after realizing the mistake. Curious about their training, Providence asked if the staff were trained in proper pronoun usage.


The crew member confirmed that the management had instructed them on this practice. Providence was impressed by this level of sensitivity and took the opportunity to commend the crew directly to the manager.

The customer appreciated not just the correct use of pronouns but also the respectful and inclusive attitude of the staff. For Arem, it wasn’t about the pronouns alone but about being treated with dignity and respect.

Recognizing such actions is important as it demonstrates how businesses can positively impact customer experiences through inclusivity. It points out the importance of respect and care for all individuals, regardless of their gender, appearance, or status.


“I just wanna commend Jollibee Bulan for doing the extra mile. And it’s nice to be in a place where you can feel purely welcomed. Kung saakin lang, wala naman ako paki kung ano itawag saken basta mahalaga maayos tayong kinakausap, may pag-galang at walang diskriminasyon sa estado, kasarian, itsura o anu pa man,” Providence said.

Providence states that Jollibee Bulan’s approach serves as a great example of thoughtful customer service. It shows that small, considerate actions can make a big difference.

In a related post, LGBT customer issues statement after allegedly forcing waiter to stand for 2 hours for being called “sir”

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