Concerned Netizen Shares Photos of Desperate Woman Selling Own Child for P200

Heartbreakinig Photos of Desperate Woman Selling Own Child for P200, Shared by Concerned Netizen

DESPERATE WOMAN – A concerned netizen shared photos of a desperate woman selling her own child for P200.

Froi Lan’s recent social media post went viral when he revealed that a desperate lady is selling her child for P200. The online community responded in a variety of ways to the message.

In his post, he expressed surprise that a child could be sold due to extreme poverty. He asked the people not to buy the child if they come across the woman who committed such a crime, because the infant’s state is quite pitiful and the selling price is only P200.

Concerned Netizen

It is truly disheartening to learn that a mother would be willing to sell her own child out of desperation caused by poverty. This revelation sheds light on the dire circumstances that some individuals face, where they feel they have no other option but to resort to such extreme measures.

Froi Lan’s post serves as a poignant reminder of the harsh reality that many marginalized and impoverished individuals endure, and it underscores the urgent need for social support and intervention to address the root causes of such distressing situations.

The post also resonates with the power of social media in bringing attention to important social issues and promoting awareness.

Concerned Netizen

It serves as a call to action for society to come together and address the systemic issues that perpetuate poverty and exploitation, and to work towards a more just and equitable society where no child is ever sold due to desperate circumstances.

“Ma​​​​​​hírap isip​​​​​​in ​​​​​​na ib​​​​​​énta a​​​​​​ng ​​​​​​batang ito​​​​​​ da​​​​​​hil s​​​​​​a hí​​​​​​rap. K​​​​​​ung may​​​​​​ mak​​​​​​akita sa​​​​​​ babae​​​​​​ng ​​​​​​ito, hu​​​​​​wag nyo​​​​​​ng bilhin​​​​​​ ang​​​​​​ kanyan​​​​​​g anak​​​​​​ d​​​​​​ahil it​​​​​​o ​​​​​​ay ​​​​​​lubhang nak​​​​​​akáawa P200 ang​​​​​​ kanya​​​​​​ng ben​​​​​​ta,” the concerned netizen wrote on his post.

Concerned Netizen

The internet users expressed their reactions to the post:

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