Meet Mark Allen Armenion: Former Kargador, Now an Engineer

Success Story of Engineer Mark Allen Armenion

KARGADOR TO ENGINEER – The success story of Engineer Mark Allen Armenion from Cebu City continues to inspire not only those aspiring to be engineers but also students striving against the odds to achieve their dream diploma.

Engineer Mark Allen ranked second in the February 2022 Mechanical Engineering board exam, and now, he is a full-fledged mechanical engineer. In an interview with Balita, Engr. Mark shared that his journey was not easy. His parents worked tirelessly to meet their needs, with his father cooking lechon, and his mother selling charcoal.

At an early age, Mark Allen took on a job as a porter in the market. Aside from struggling financially, his academic journey wasn’t smooth either as he stumbled twice in his studies, failing in Grade 3 and during Third Year High School. He felt discouraged at that time due to their challenging financial situation.

When he entered college, he enrolled at the University of Cebu – Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (UC-LM) and worked as a student assistant. However, their house in Mandaue City, along with other neighbors’, was demolished, so they moved to Carbon, and he transferred to UC-main.

Because of what happened, Mark Allen became more determined to excel in his studies. Although he could have been a Cum Laude, he was not eligible because he was a transferee. So, he decided to focus and make up for it during the board exam, where he ranked 2.

Currently, Engr. Mark Allen works at “Cebu 2 World Development, Inc. as a site engineer.” Aside from that, he serves as a part-time instructor at a review center for engineering board takers. “I’m proud to say that all of my hard work paid off. I passed the board exam with flying colors and became a licensed mechanical engineer,” said Engr. Mark Allen.

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