Concrete Nail Found Inside Spanish Bread Bought by Customer

Customer discovers concrete nail inside the Spanish bread they bought

PALAMANG PAKO? – A customer took to social media to express his frustration, revealing that the “Spanish bread” they had bought from a local bakery apparently contained a concrete nail.

The first thing to do when you come across a foreign object in your food is to remain calm and composed, as panicking won’t help the situation. Immediately stop eating the food and avoid swallowing any more of it. It’s crucial not to touch or remove the foreign object, as it could serve as evidence if you decide to take further action.

Take clear photos of both the food item and the foreign object as visual proof. If the food came in packaging, keep it, as it might have important information like lot numbers or expiration dates. Make a note of the date, time, location, and where you purchased the food. Reach out to the establishment where you bought the food, whether it’s a restaurant or store, to report the incident. Stay polite but assertive, providing details about what you found.

If you suspect the foreign object has caused harm, seek medical attention promptly. Depending on the severity of the situation, you might want to consider filing a formal complaint with relevant authorities, understanding your rights as a consumer, or even consulting legal experts if the incident has caused significant harm. Keep a record of any adverse effects you experience from consuming the foreign object. Ultimately, prioritize your health and well-being throughout the process.

Speaking of which, a certain Mak Rodriguez from Sto. Domingo, Albay, shared on Facebook what they had discovered inside the bread they purchased from a local bakery. Apparently, they found a concrete nail in the Spanish bread they bought. According to him, it was his wife who accidentally ate the bread with the concrete nail.

Based on the report of “Publiko,” the bakery denied intentionally placing the concrete nail in the bread. They claimed to be very meticulous in making their products and stated that this was the first time they had received such a complaint.

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