A Mashup of songs by Carlos Agassi, Rosmar Tan, and Toni Fowler went viral
MASHUP – A remix featuring the songs of Carlos Agassi, Rosmar Tan, and Toni Fowler has gone viral, garnering mixed reactions online.
Carlos Agassi, a former member of “The Hunks,” sparked discussions on social media with his song titled “Milk Tea.” The LGBTQIA+ community, in particular, criticized the song’s lyrics for their double meaning and accused him of being “transphobic,” indicating a strong prejudice or dislike towards transgender individuals.
On the other hand, Rosmarie Tan Pamulaklakin, also known as Rosmar Tan, garnered attention online with her single “Manalamin.” The song received mixed reactions, with some expressing disappointment in her vocal quality and the song’s relevance.

While FPJ’s Batang Quiapo star Toni Fowler faced heavy criticism due to the “explicit” content of the music video for her song “MPL” featuring Newbreed. Despite the backlash it received, the music video of the single has accumulated millions of views.
In the midst of this, a mashup of their songs has gone viral online. At the time of writing, the remix of their singles, which was uploaded on the social networking site Facebook by the page “Tor,” has already garnered more than 2 million views.
This mashup has also generated mixed reactions from netizens. One netizen commented, “Grabing mashup. Life changing…” Another netizen noted, “Mas bet kona to hahaha.”
Meanwhile, some netizens hope that Carlos Agassi, Rosmar Tan, and Toni Fowler will collaborate in the near future. If this were to happen, it could potentially become one of the biggest songs of the year, likely because of the criticism it might receive.
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