Tricycle Driver Playing Yo-yo in the Middle of Traffic Goes Viral: “Panis yang lato-lato nyo kay kuya”

While stuck in traffic, a tricycle driver pulled out his yo-yo and performed a series of impressive tricks

YO-YO-PLAYING TRIKE DRIVER – A tricycle driver who was playing Yo-yo in the middle of heavy traffic has gone viral, generating a variety of reactions from netizens.

Lato-lato is a pair of plastic balls connected by a string that creates a distinctive clacking sound. On the other hand, a yo-yo or simply yoyo is a toy consisting of a round piece of wood or plastic attached to a string. Playing with this kind of toy involves making it rise and fall along the string.

Both toys presented their own challenges when it came to playing with them, but a tricycle driver has managed to showcase his mastery of the yo-yo. In a situation where he found himself stuck in traffic, the resourceful driver pulled out his toy and began executing a series of impressive tricks.

The impressive display of yo-yo tricks was captured on camera and subsequently shared on the popular social networking site, Facebook, by a user named Ian Jacob Lavado. In the caption, Lavado remarked, “Panis yang lato-lato nyo kay kuya”.

As expected, the tricycle driver’s impressive yo-yo skills garnered praise from netizens. Among those who expressed their admiration were “Batang 90s” or social media users who grew up in the 1990s, a time when yo-yos were a major craze. Some even suggested that the self-proclaimed masters of lato-lato pale in comparison to the impressive skills displayed by the yo-yo-playing trike driver.

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