Two Cows Killed by Falling Trees Due to ‘Buhawi’

Buhawi kills two cows in Maguindanao Del Norte

MAGUINDANAO DEL NORTE – Two domesticated cows have died after being hit by falling trees caused by a “buhawi” in Datu Blah Sinsuat.

Cows, also known as cattle, are among the most important domesticated animals in the world. They have been raised by humans for thousands of years, and they play a vital role in agriculture and food production.

Cows are primarily raised for their meat, milk, and hide, which is used to make leather products. They are large animals, typically weighing between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds. Cattles are herbivores and mainly eat grass and hay, although they can also consume grains and other vegetation. Their four-chambered stomach is specially adapted to digest fibrous plant materials.

dead cows
Credit to the rightful owner of the photos

One of the most notable characteristics of cows is their milk production. Female cows, or heifers, begin producing milk after giving birth to a calf. Milk is used to produce a variety of dairy products such as cheese, butter, and yogurt, and it is a source of essential nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D.

Cattles are social animals and often form close bonds with their herd mates. They communicate with each other using a range of sounds and body language, such as moos, bellows, and ear movements. Cows have a hierarchy within the herd, with dominant cows taking on a leadership role.

While cows are an important part of human culture and food production, they are often subjected to cruel treatment in industrial farming operations. Many people advocate for the use of more humane and sustainable farming practices to ensure that cattle and other farm animals are treated ethically.

Meanwhile, two domesticated cows have died after being hit by falling trees caused by a “buhawi” in Datu Blah Sinsuat. Several homes and motorboats were also destroyed due to falling trees.

Fortunately, there were no reported injuries in the incident. The local government has already extended assistance to affected residents.

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