Here’s the reaction of Vanessa Raval to rumors she’s not a daughter of Jeric
VANESSA RAVAL – The sister of actress AJ Raval reacted to rumors she’s not a daughter of actor Jeric Raval.

Vanessa is the sister of AJ. The two are daughters of action-star Jeric Raval.
It was just recently when she made a buzz online after exposing her “conversation” with “panget na rapper” insisting to catch up with her for an overnight escapade.
Apparently, she did not drop the name of the rapper but some netizens claimed that it was Ex Battalion member Skusta Clee.
Skusta whose real name is Daryl Ruiz denied such and urged the sister of AJ to reveal the identity of the guy messaging her.
Then, Vanessa Raval claimed that the guy messaging her was a rapper from Fliptop or Fliptop emcee.
Eventually, she revealed that her post about the “ugly rapper” was scripted.
Recently, she went to social media wherein she posted a video in response to rumors that she’s not a daughter of Jeric.
This, after an article, claimed that Jeric himself said in an interview with Ogie Diaz that he’s not related to Vanessa.
But the truth is, during the interview, Jeric said that he just doesn’t want to talk about her.
Vanessa dubbed such rumor as fake news.
Watch the video below as Vanessa Raval refutes the rumor:
Jeric has yet to react to the latest rumor involving Vanessa. But he has been vocal about having 18 children from different women.
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