Thyroid Cancer Patient Make It to Top 10 of Forester Licensure Examination
A thyroid cancer patient expressed his happiness because of his ‘answered prayer’ after he becomes a topnotcher in Forester Licensure Examination.
The thyroid cancer patient identified as Keano Reeves Collado can’t contain his happiness after passing the Forester Licensure Examination (FLE), which was released earlier this week. He did not only pass the licensure exams but he was able to make it to the top 10 passers.
Collado completed his course in Bachelor of Science in Forestry at Caraga State University last August 2021. His prayer has been answered after he make it to the top 10. “Lord, this coming board exam, I will only accept topnotcher,” Collado said.

The patient revealed that he was diagnosed with stage 2 thyroid cancer. Five days after he was diagnosed, he underwent in a 13-hour surgery. The operation disabled him to speak because the tumor has already affected his vocal cords.
Luckily, Keano was able to speak and completed his studies to reach his dreams in life. He also expressed his gratefulness towards his family for their undying support and especially to the almighty God who gave him the chance to live a little bit longer.
The exam passer is currently focusing on his recovery after passing the board exams.

Here is the full post:
“Just because I am sick, it does not mean I am incapable.”
I would always remind myself with this line. When I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Thyroid Cancer, I accepted and acknowledged the fact that I am sick. But at the same time I wanted to think that I am more than my illness. I want to think that I can do more despite my condition. When I got into college, I envisioned that I would finish college in just 4 years. But things didn’t go as I planned. In my 4th year in engineering, I stopped going to school due to financial reasons. That’s when I decided to work as a Call Center Agent in Makati. After 6 months, I went home because I started feeling the symptoms. After 2 years, I went back to college and enrolled to a different course – BS Forestry.
Caraga State University is a home of Top-notchers. Everytime muskwela ko, makita nako sa gate ug sa fence mga tarpaulin sa mga top-notchers then I would imagine what if someday akong picture na sab mabutang diha. After 1 year, that’s when I learned about my cancer. It was already Stage-2. Five days after I was diagnosed, I underwent my first 13-hours surgery. I didn’t have enough time to prepare physically, mentally and emotionally. The day after my surgery, I woke up. My mother came to me and told me the bad news, she said I could no longer speak because the tumors have damaged my vocal cords. At that moment, everything just felt hopeless. I had a lot of questions and what ifs in my mind. But God indeed works in mysterious ways. After 3 months, miraculously, I was able to mumble words. That moment, I felt like I was a toddler who just learned to speak his first word. I could see the trace of happiness on my parents’ faces. Everyday, naga improve ako voice. Although it’s totally different compared to what it was like before. Nevertheless, I am more than grateful because I can still speak. This has pushed me even more to be determined and to continue my dreams.
After a year, I forced myself to go back to school even if it wasn’t advisable. My parents wanted me to focus on my healing first before going back to college. In my mind, I was eager to finish my degree and make them proud. Last August, I graduated college. It’s one of the happiest moments of my life. Not just because I was able to finish my degree, but more importantly, I made my parents proud despite battling Thyroid Cancer for almost 4 years now. I talked to my parents about my plan of taking the Board Exam this year. I made them understand that I wanted to grab this opportunity so that I could focus on my healing later on. Everyday, I would always talk to God and ask him to give me enough strength. Every morning, I would thank Him for waking me up and giving me another day to enjoy life. I even told God, “Lord, this coming Board Exam, I will only accept Top Notcher.” It’s funny because wala ko nagpray nga gusto lang ko mupasar, but instead, I prayed nga I wanted to be one of the Top Notchers. Because I knew from the beginning, it was my goal. It was my goal, not for myself, but for my parents and those peope who believed in me.
I’ve been through so many struggles. Until now, I still can’t imagine how I was able to survive those setbacks. But one thing is for sure, I have survived my struggles because I have the best support system. Mama Aida Fernandez Collado and Papa Allan Collado , I hope I made you proud. To my siblings, thank you for the unconditional love and support. To my Team Shiftees, you have witnessed my struggles since the beginning. Thank you for not leaving. To my best buddy Edgie Mar Namias Canton , thank you for taking care of me during the review. I owe you a lot. Congratulations, you’re now a Licensed Borax.
“The Lord is my shephered, I shall not want.”
– Psalm 23:1
Above all, I want to thank you Lord for the answered prayer, for the guidance, strength, knowledge and wisdom. Thank you for the life. I am nothing without you. Finally, I can now focus on my healing. The battle isn’t done yet, but I know I can overcome everything because I have You Lord. To God be all the Glory and Honor.
I want to share my story not because I want to brag this achievement. I’m sharing this because I want to inspire people and I want everyone to know that even in your darkest times, there will always be a light of hope. No matter how dim the light is, hold on to it because someone up there will intensify that light.
Keano Reeves F. Collado
Bachelor of Science in Forestry
Caraga State University
Top 10 – FLE
Cancer Fighter “

The social media users lauded the guy for his determination in life:

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