Ryan Agoncillo & Judy Ann Santos Release COVID-19 Test Results

Ryan Agoncillo and Judy Ann Santos Issue the Results of their COVID-19 Tests

The celebrity couple Ryan Agoncillo and Judy Ann Santos finally released the results of their COVID-19 test to the public.

The coronavirus disease has been rapidly spread in various countries all around the world and affects millions of people. The virus does not only affect the public’s health but also affects the global economy.

The Health Department and even company employers advised the people to undergo the COVID-19 test to determine whether they are infected by the virus or not. The program also aims to prevent the spread of the illness.

Ryan Agoncillo

Recently, Judy Ann Santos released her and her husband Ryan Agoncillo’s COVID-19 test results. She made the announcement on her Instagram story showing two test kits and their rapid test results.

The couple is only some of the Filipino personalities who extend their help towards the frontliners and other people affected by the health crisis in the country.

Agoncillo and Santos have also returned to their jobs as well as resuming the operations of their food businesses amid the pandemic.

Ryan Agoncillo

What can you say about this celebrity couple’s test result? Just leave your comments and suggestions for this report.

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