The number of COVID-19 patients in Western Visayas was already at its “danger zone”, according to an official of DOH Region 6.
An official of the Department of Health (DOH) – Region 6 said that the number of COVID-19 patients admitted in hospitals in Western Visayas was already at its “danger zone”.
This, as Dr. Renelyn Reyes – a Medical Officer 4 of the Department of Health – Region 6 – said that the number of patients admitted both in government health facilities and in private health facilities was already at the “warning zones”.

According to Reyes, the regional office of the Department of Health was already “re-strategizing their approach” in preparation for the expected increase of coronavirus cases in Western Visayas especially in Bacolod City and in Iloilo City.
In addition, Reyes said that one of the strategies was the “mass hiring of health workers” in order to be deployed into government hospitals across Western Visayas.
However, the Department of Health was facing difficulty in terms of recruiting qualified health workers to work in government health facilities.
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Information from the Department of Health showed that only 582 qualified applicants out of required 758 positions wanted to work in government hospitals in Western Visayas.
Moreover, Reyes said that their current priority was to look for more doctors, nurses, medical technologists, and Information Technology graduates, adding that the massive hiring of workers was part of the preparation.
Also included in the Department of Health’s strategies was to raise the bed capacity for all government hospitals allocated for COVID-19 patients in the Western Visayas to 30 percent (from 19 percent).
However, Reyes said that the health department will increase the bed capacity to 50 percent if the cases will continue to increase next week.
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