Lady Customer Hatches 3 Ducklings from Grocery Eggs

Lady Customer Buys Grocery Eggs, Successfully Hatches 3 Ducklings from Them

A lady customer hatches three ducklings from the grocery eggs she bought at Waitrose supermarket in the United Kingdom.

The 29-year-old lady named Charli Lello incubated the Clarence Court duck eggs she bought at a supermarket chain. She did her plan during her temporary leave from her job as an assistant retail manager due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Lello revealed that she got her idea after she saw someone in Facebook hatching quail eggs. She and her mom agreed to get some ducks after the lockdown period and tried to incubate duck eggs.

Lady Customer

Initially, the lady thought that it would never work but the duck eggs show signs of progress after six days. The woman named the ducklings Beep, Peep, and Meed. She is also planning to keep the ducklings in her house Hertfordshire, north of London.

“I spent the whole two days that Beep was hatching glued to my incubator. Thankfully I had friends at the end of the phone to keep me calm. He was a lone chick for two days so I had to make a little sling out of a beanie hat and carry him around until Peep hatched. Meep joined a week later.” Lello said.

Lady Customer

Waitrose supermarket also stated that it was only a rare event that eggs in supermarkets would be hatched. The supermarket also explained that it would be difficult to distinguish fertilized eggs without incubation.

Lady Customer

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