Nearly 250 Inmates & Guards In China Prisons Infected by Novel Coronavirus
CORONAVIRUS – The COVID-19 which is now rampant in China infected nearly 250 inmates and guards in two (2) prisons in the country.
The novel coronavirus or officially called as COVID-19 continues to challenge China. The said disease first emerged in the city of Wuhan which is now being locked to curb its spread.
More than 60,000 people in China were infected by COVID-19. Medical personnel are risking their lives to treat the patients of the disease that has taken the lives of more than one (1) thousand people.

The COVID-19 bears symptoms that are similar to flu. The patient may experience fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. This disease targets the patients’ respiratory system.
There are speculations that the root of the disease are the bats. The outbreak is believe to have stemmed from the bat soup that is being sold in a market in Wuhan City.
Coronavirus has massively spread in China. Based on a report on CNBC, there are even COVID-19 patients who are inmates and security guards in prisons.
According to the report, nearly 250 inmates and security guards in two (2) China prisons were infected by the niovel coronavirus. These patients were from Rencheng prison and Zhejiang province jail.
Reportedly, 207 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in Rencheng jail while 34 infections were jot in the one in Zhejiang. As to the Nomura economists, the prisons are becoming the “new battleground”.