Proud Mom Shares Child’s High Grades on Social Media

Proud Mom

Proud Mom Flexes High Grades of Her Child Online A proud mom recently shared a photo of her child’s report card for the third quarter, showing impressive academic performance. Grades are a way to measure and communicate a student’s performance in various subjects. They provide feedback on how well a student is understanding the lessons, … Read more

Proud Mom Shares Daughter’s Impressive Grades

Proud Mom

Proud Mom Shares Daughter’s Impressive Grades on Social Media A proud mom shared the grades of her Grade 1 daughter, who received an honor for the second quarter of the school year 2023-2024. Sharing academic achievements on social media can serve as a source of positive reinforcement for the student. It acknowledges their hard work … Read more

Proud Mom Flexes Daughter’s Awesome Handwriting “How to be you po?”

Proud Mom

Proud Mom Earns Praises Online After Flexing Daughter’s Awesome Handwriting A proud mom goes viral and earns praises online after flexing her daughter’s awesome handwriting “How to be you po?” Nowadays, most parents are teaching basic skills and knowledge to their children even before entering school. Some kids were able to learn how to read … Read more