Japan Quarantines Cruise Ship Carrying 3,500 People Over 2019-nCoV


Japan on Tuesday has quarantined a cruise ship carrying 3,500 people and was testing passengers for the 2019 novel coronavirus. This, after a passenger who departed in Hongkong was tested positive for the 2019 novel coronavirus. As seen in television footage, several quarantine officers on Monday evening entered the Diamond Princess cruise ship at the … Read more

Police Helicopter Crashes In Fukushima

Police Helicopter

Japanese police helicopter crashes in Fukushima in northeastern Japan. A police helicopter on Saturday morning crashed in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture in northeastern Japan, injuring all 7 persons on board. According to the local police, five police officers and 2 medical workers, who were transporting a heart for transplant, were on board the aircraft. These victims … Read more