Elderly Delivery Rider in Coma for 3 Days After Hit-and-Run Accident

Elderly Delivery Rider

Elderly Delivery Rider Remains for 3 Days After Hit-and-Run Accident An elderly delivery rider has captured the sympathy of netizens after he remained unconscious for three days following a hit-and-run accident. A hit-and-run is a traffic accident in which a driver hits another vehicle, a pedestrian, or property and then leaves the scene without stopping … Read more

Poor Dog Injured in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Bacolod

gentle dog

Dog in Bacolod injured following a hit-and-run accident BACOLOD – A netizen has taken to social media to make a heartfelt plea for help in locating the owner of a gentle dog involved in a hit-and-run accident. Hit-and-run incidents involving dogs in the Philippines are unfortunate and distressing occurrences. These incidents typically involve dogs being … Read more

Father of Hit-and-Run Suspect Tagged in Killing of Chinoy Businessman in 1995

hit-and-run suspect father

Father of hit-and-run suspect Jose Antonio San Vicente allegedly killed a Chinoy businessman in 1995 JOEL SANVICENTE – The father of hit-and-run suspect Jose Antonio San Vicente was allegedly involved in the killing of a Filipino-Chinese businessman in 1995. It was on June 15 when Sanvicente surrendered to the authorities and apologized for ramming security guard Christian … Read more

Police Dies in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Zambales

police hit-and-run

A police officer passed away after being involved in a hit-and-run accident along the national highway in San Narciso, Zambales on Friday, March 19. Based on the initial investigation of the authorities, the victim identified as Police Cpl. Rexie Manalo was traversing along Gov. Archimedes Villanueva Sr. National Highway in Brgy. Simminublan when he lost … Read more