Google, Apple To Launch COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technology

Google and Apple were about to launch their COVID-19 contact tracing technology.

Google and Apple announced that companies will launch their contact tracing technology in order to help health agencies and government contain the spread of COVID-19 or coronavirus disease.

This, as Google and Apple recently released a joint statement, announcing their joint effort in launching their “comprehensive solution” — including application programming interfaces and operating system-level technology — in order to assist in enabling their contact tracing technology.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technology

These companies will first release their application programming interfaces that would allow the interoperability between iOS and Android devices using applications from public health authorities, as such, these apps will be available for its users to download starting May 2020 through Google Play Store and Apple App Store, respectively.

After their first release, Google and Apple will work together in order to enable a Bluetooth-based contact tracing technology by making a functionality into their platforms, as such, these companies will publish information about their work to the public.

At present, Apple and Google released their draft technical documentation, which includes Bluetooth and cryptography specifications as well as framework documentation.

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