Kind-Hearted Tricycle Driver Offering Free Rides to Health Workers & to Those Who Are in Need Goes Viral
LIBRENG SAKAY – A kind-hearted tricycle driver is giving free rides to the health workers and residents who need to buy food and medicine.
Earlier this week, President Rodrigo Duterte has placed the entire Luzon under an enhanced community quarantine suspending the operations of mass transportation vehicles and other businesses.
The Filipino commuters are now struggling with how to reach their work and point of destination due to the mass transport restriction. Pinoy workers were severely affected by the lockdown protocols making their lives more difficult.

Recently, a Facebook user named “Rai Carl” has shared the photo of a kind-hearted tricycle driver offering free rides to health workers and to those residents who need to buy food supplies and medicines.
Rai Carl said that the trike driver is giving free rides to the COVID-19 front liners and residents who need to buy their basic necessities. Carl also said that the kind guy also refused to accept payment from his passengers.

Here is the full post:
“Kahit anong abot namin nang bayad di nya tinanggap.
Salamat sayong kawang gawa kuya Gnuhc Bacunin .Mabuhay ka! ❤️”
The online community lauded the trike drive for showing kindness to those who are in need. Here are some of the comments”.
What can you say about this man? Just leave your comments and suggestions for this article.
You are a very good samaritan.. God bless you.
A big salute saiyo , Sir!! Isa kang bayani na dapat tularan.