Screw Discovered in Boy’s Nostril After Two Years of Complaining About Bad Smell

Screw Found in Boy’s Nose After Two Years of Complaints

CHINA – A young boy’s two-year complaint of a bad smell, which went undetected by his parents, was later traced to a screw lodged in his left nostril, causing an infection.

For two years, a seven-year-old boy in Jiaozuo, Henan Province, frequently complained to his parents about a strange, foul smell that only he seemed to notice. Despite his repeated concerns, his parents couldn’t detect any unusual odor and eventually dismissed his complaints, believing he was imagining the scent.

In September 2024, as the boy’s complaints became more frequent, his parents decided to take him to the hospital. Doctors conducted a thorough examination of the boy’s left nostril, revealing a dark object deeply lodged in his nasal cavity. A CT scan confirmed the presence of a foreign object, but due to its location, immediate removal posed a risk of causing severe damage.

The doctors explained to the parents that leaving the object in place was not an option because it was surrounded by membranes that were causing an infection, likely responsible for the unpleasant smell the boy experienced. With the parents’ consent, an ENT specialist performed a surgical procedure to remove the object using three special tools.

After the operation, the dark object was carefully extracted and identified as a metal screw. The boy is now recovering well from the surgery, and the foul odor he complained about for years has finally disappeared.

The incident highlighted the potential dangers children face when they accidentally insert objects into their noses, either out of curiosity or by accident. The doctor advised parents to take signs such as frequent nose-picking or unusual nasal discharge seriously, as these could indicate the presence of a foreign object. Typically, such cases are resolved within hours or days of the incident, making this particular situation, which lasted two years, very unusual. The doctor speculated that the boy might have been too afraid to tell his parents about the screw in his nose, fearing that he would get into trouble.

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