WFH Employee Honors Her Supportive Mother
SUPPORTIVE MOM – A work-from-home (WFH) employee shared her heartfelt appreciation for her mother’s unwavering support, recognizing how much of her success in the workplace is due to her mother’s constant care and encouragement. In a Reddit post, the netizen reflected on her four years of working from home and how her mother’s support has significantly contributed to her achievements.
The netizen explained how she realized that her successes weren’t just due to her own efforts but largely because of the everyday support she received from her mother. For instance, her mother would always have her fresh towels ready when she needed to rush to her meetings, prepare coffee for her, and even leave snacks like banana que outside her door during meetings. Despite never asking for these things, the mother’s initiative was evident, and it saved the netizen time and allowed her to focus more on her work.

The netizen expressed deep gratitude, sharing that all her promotions were a result of her mother’s constant support system. Even on Fridays, her mother would invite her for coffee to ensure she wasn’t feeling burnt out from work. The netizen concluded with a promise to her mom: “Next year, we’ll get promoted again.”

Her post received a wide range of emotional responses from fellow Reddit users. Many expressed how rare and precious it is to have such a supportive mother, with some sharing their own experiences of being cared for by their parents. One user mentioned how their mom would prepare breakfast before work, and another reflected on how they only realized the sacrifices their parents made after becoming independent.
4 years working from home with Mama
byu/here4techandtrails inOffMyChestPH
This story touched many hearts, highlighting the importance of familial support in achieving success, especially for those working from home. It also reminded people to appreciate the often-overlooked acts of kindness from their parents.
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