Cellphone Snatcher Caught on Camera While Stealing at an Arcade

A cellphone snatcher was caught on camera stealing a mobile device at an arcade in a mall in the city of Cebu.

In the video, a man used a chair to conceal his act of stealing the cellphone, but he was chased and fortunately, the gadget was retrieved.

Man Caught on Camera Snatching Cellphone at Arcade

Caught on Camera: Man Snatches Cellphone at Arcade

CAUGHT ON CAMERA – A cellphone-snatching incident at an arcade in a Cebu mall was captured on video and has gone viral on Facebook. The video shows a man stealthily taking a cellphone from a bag while the owner was recording a video. Noticing the theft, a woman quickly chased the thief and managed to retrieve the phone.

The Facebook post by Angelene details the incident, explaining that it occurred at 2:04 p.m. while she and Alexas were playing. The thief used a chair to conceal his actions, but thanks to Alexas’s vigilance, the phone was recovered. The man did not resist and returned the phone immediately.

“It happened earlier, at 2:04 p.m., in one of the malls in Cebu. As you can see, Alexas and I were just playing, when this guy came out of nowhere, bringing a chair to cover up what he was about to do. Thankfully, Alexas was vigilant and was able to get the phone back,” she said.


Angelene advises everyone to be cautious with their belongings when out in public. She mentions that Alexas’ return to the Philippines has been memorable, but this incident during their rare meetings was unfortunate. Angelene has reported the incident to the police.

Meanwhile, if someone steals a phone, there are several actions you can take to deal with the situation and seek help. First, it’s important to report the theft to the local police right away. Give them as much detail as possible about what happened, describe the person who took the phone, and share any evidence like security camera footage or statements from witnesses. This helps the police investigate and increases the chances of recovering the stolen phone.

Next, contact your phone service provider to disable the device. This stops the thief from using it to make calls or access your personal information. It’s also a good idea to change passwords for any accounts connected to the phone and use any tracking or remote wiping features if your phone has them.

Lastly, let your friends and family know about the theft. This can prevent scams where the thief might try to impersonate you using your stolen phone. Taking these steps not only helps recover your phone but also protects your personal information and holds the thief accountable for their actions.

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