Ryza Cenon Goes Bald for a Movie

Ryza Cenon Voluntarily Shaves Her Head

RYZA CENON – The actress fulfilled a personal goal by voluntarily shaving her head for her role as a nun in the horror movie “Lilim,” directed by Mikhail Red and produced by Studio Viva. This decision was a significant one for Ryza, as shaving her head was on her bucket list. She first considered doing it in 2020 when she was pregnant with her son, Nate. However, Viva Artists Agency, her management under Viva Entertainment, did not permit it at that time.

During the shooting for “Lilim” at the Christ The King Church compound in Quezon City, Ryza discussed her experience. She revealed that shaving her head was not a requirement for the role; instead, it was her own decision. Ryza believed that being genuinely bald would better serve her character than using prosthetics, which she found unappealing. She also pointed out the practical benefits of shaving her head, noting that it would save time during production, especially under the Eddie Garcia Law, which mandates quicker and safer working conditions on set.

Ryza’s new look has been well-received, with many noting that she is one of the most beautiful women they’ve seen go bald. Her three-year-old son, Night, also approves of her new appearance, as he has a particular dislike for hair. Ryza shared that Night is delighted with her shaved head and finds it amusing to touch, often laughing when he does so.

“Lilim,” which also stars Heaven Peralejo, is described by Ryza as a unique horror film that doesn’t rely on typical ghostly jump-scares. Instead, it offers a different take on the genre. Ryza, who has a third eye, admitted to sensing supernatural presences since childhood, though she doesn’t give much attention to these experiences.

Ryza’s decision to shave her head not only fulfilled a personal dream but also enhanced her portrayal of her character in “Lilim.” Her commitment to her role and her practical approach to filming reflect her professionalism and dedication to her craft. This bold move has also highlighted her willingness to take risks and embrace change for the sake of her art.

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