Female Netizen Shares Funny Encounter with Delivery Guy with a Luxurious Car

Funny Encounter of Female Netizen with Delivery Guy with a Luxurious Car

DUBAI – A female netizen took to social media to share her amusing encounter with a delivery guy who owned a luxurious car.

Querubin Llavore wondered if all wealthy individuals in Dubai behaved similarly. While waiting on the ground floor for a food order, a delivery person asked for Querubin’s location. Querubin then took a photo in front of the hotel adjacent to SPINNEY’S to help the delivery person find her. It was only after taking the picture that Querubin realized the car parked outside belonged to the delivery guy. The owner happened to notice Querubin taking the photo and might have misunderstood, possibly thinking Querubin was photographing their car.

She recounted, “sabi niya, ‘Come here, take a picture with my car'”. Querubin politely declined, explaining that the intention was to capture the surroundings. The owner’s wife chuckled and urged Querubin to reconsider. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Querubin eventually acquiesced, posing for a photo beside the luxurious car while waiting for the food order. The owner even suggested showing the picture to friends. Querubin described the encounter as entirely unexpected and spontaneous.

luxurious car

In the comment section, she shared proof regarding her post. Meanwhile, in Dubai, many residents own luxury cars due to several key reasons. Firstly, the city is known for its wealth driven by oil revenues, real estate growth, and a thriving business scene. This economic prosperity means that a significant number of people have high incomes, allowing them to afford luxury items like expensive cars.

Additionally, Dubai’s tax policies are favorable, with no income or sales tax. This makes buying and maintaining luxury vehicles more affordable compared to places with higher taxes, encouraging more people to invest in them.

Culturally, owning a luxury car in Dubai is seen as a status symbol. It signals social success and financial stability, reflecting personal achievement. This cultural value encourages residents to prioritize owning prestigious cars as part of their lifestyle.

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