Glimpses Of Ricci Rivero’s 26th Birthday Party Go Viral

Ricci Rivero Shares Pics of His Birthday Party

RICCI RIVERO – Filipino actor and basketball player Ricci Rivero shared pictures from his 26th birthday celebration.

Ricci Paolo Uy Rivero, born on May 25, 1998, in Ilagan, Isabela, Philippines, is a Filipino professional basketball player and actor renowned for his energetic playing style and substantial contributions to Philippine basketball. Coming from a family deeply rooted in basketball, with his older brother Prince Rivero also being a prominent player, Ricci honed his skills at La Salle Green Hills during high school.

His impressive performances in various high school tournaments secured him a place on the De La Salle University (DLSU) Green Archers’ roster.

Photo Source: @ricciiirivero IG

Rivero started his collegiate basketball career with the DLSU Green Archers in the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP). During his tenure at La Salle, he quickly emerged as one of the league’s most thrilling and promising players, renowned for his agility, scoring ability, and defensive skills. In UAAP Season 80, Rivero was named to the Mythical Five, highlighting his significant impact on the court.

After two seasons with La Salle, Ricci Rivero made a highly anticipated transfer to the University of the Philippines (UP) Fighting Maroons. This move generated much excitement, and he continued to showcase his basketball talents at UP, further solidifying his status as one of the top collegiate players.

Beyond his performances on the court, Ricci Rivero is also celebrated for his off-court presence. He has a large social media following, where he shares insights into his life, training, and personal endeavors. He is currently dating Los Baños, Laguna Councilor Leren Mae Bautista, who shared a glimpse of his birthday celebration in a previous article.

Photo Source: @ricciiirivero IG

Ricci took to social media to share moments from his special day with his followers. On Instagram, the basketball player uploaded a series of photos from his fun birthday celebration. His girlfriend, Leren Mae Bautista, was among the attendees. In the caption, he wrote: “LATE!!! Bday dump!”

READ ALSO: Leren Mae Bautista Pokes Fun at 5-Year Gap W/ BF Ricci

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