Dog Dies After Protecting a Family from Cobra
DAVAO DEL NORTE – A dog sacrificed its life to fight off a venomous cobra that posed a threat to its fur parents.
In a viral post, Cindy Sandigan shared the story of their Belgian Malinois dog named “Yugo,” who bravely confronted the cobra. On the evening of Friday, March 15, the Sandigan family returned home to find their dog Yugo lying lifeless beside a severely injured cobra.
Cindy Sandigan recounted that they arrived home around 10 pm after accompanying their 11-year-old daughter to her swimming training in Tagum City. As they entered the gate, only Yugo’s partner, Ally, greeted them. They noticed Yugo lying still and assumed he was asleep due to the darkness outside the garage.

However, upon closer inspection, they discovered the lifeless body of Yugo and the severely injured cobra. This realization left the family devastated, especially since Yugo was their first pet dog. Sandigan emotionally described how Yugo had risked his life to protect them from the potential danger posed by the cobra entering their home that night.

Sandigan highlighted Yugo’s protective nature and recalled how he had faced off against the cobra three times before. The family mourned the loss of their beloved pet while also focusing on comforting Yugo’s partner, Ally, who is currently pregnant. Sandigan mentioned that Ally was saddened by Yugo’s absence but is gradually recovering with their support. They are ensuring Ally’s well-being and providing comfort as she awaits her puppies’ arrival.
When bitten by a Philippine cobra, victims experience severe symptoms due to its potent neurotoxic venom. These symptoms include localized pain and swelling, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, respiratory difficulties, and paralysis, which can lead to respiratory failure. Immediate medical attention is crucial to administer antivenom and supportive care. Prompt treatment increases survival chances and reduces long-term complications. It’s vital to keep the victim calm and immobile until help arrives.