Director-Writer Who Posted Rant Against Ian Veneracion Over 500K Talent Fee Apologizes to Actor

Ronaldo Carballo Apologizes to Ian Veneracion

RONALDO CARBALLO – The director-writer who posted a rant against actor-heartthrob Ian Veneracion regarding his alleged 500K talent fee demand has issued an apology.

Ian is currently making waves online after writer-director Ronaldo Carballo claimed in a Facebook post that the actor is demanding five hundred thousand pesos as a talent fee for his appearance at Tarlac City’s Kaisa Festival. Carballo added that if it exceeded two hours, the organizers had to pay an additional 100,000 per hour. However, Veneracion’s camp immediately denied the allegations. The organizers of Tarlac City’s Kaisa Festival also refuted Carballo’s claims about Ian Veneracion’s talent fee.

Carballo responded to the statement of Ian’s camp. In an interview with Jun Lalin of Abante, he stressed that he’s not speaking ill of Ian because he holds him dear and respects him as a person, actor, concert performer, and even as an artist.

Ian Veneracion

According to him, he was simply sharing a “true story” disclosed to him by a “private company” and Tarlac Festival talent provider about initial dealings with Ian’s road manager. He reiterated that he has permission to write and post what was shared with him.

Ronaldo didn’t anticipate that his post would go viral and be blown out of proportion due to numerous people meddling in and distorting the context. He claimed that some didn’t read his original post properly, leading to various reactions.

The writer-director then seized the opportunity to apologize to Ian for portraying him in a bad light or exposing the dealings and demands of his RM that turned off the “private company” and the Tarlac Festival. He’s hoping that Ian would understand that since the 80s when he was just an Entertainment Journalist and not yet an award-winning Screenwriter and Film Director, he has been credible in everything he writes.

Despite apologizing to Ian, he noted that he wouldn’t retract what he wrote because, for him, it was a true story, and his credibility as a writer for 43 years was on the line.

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