Bacolod Radio Broadcaster Auctions Trail Shoes For Friend’s Eye Operation

Bacolod Radio Broadcaster Sells Trail Shoes to Fund Eye Operation of a Friend

SHOES FOR SIGHT – A Bacolod radio broadcaster is auctioning his collection of trail shoes to fund his friend’s eye operation.

Kindness is like a superpower that we all have within us, and it has the amazing ability to make the world a better place. One of the magical things about kindness is that it doesn’t cost a thing. You don’t need a special skill or a big wallet to be kind.

Simple things, like offering a smile to a stranger or saying a kind word to a friend, can brighten someone’s day. Simple acts, such as helping a classmate with their homework, sharing toys with a sibling, or volunteering in the neighborhood, can build strong bonds and create a sense of unity.

Bacolod Radio Broadcaster

Recently, popular Bacolod actor and radio broadcaster John Gilbert Arceo has taken a unique approach to raise funds for his friend’s eye operation. The post elicited comments from the online community.

Arceo decided to auction his trail shoes through a post on social media, and the response has been overwhelming. The radio personality shared his heartfelt message on social media, announcing the auction.

“Shoes for Sight… Selling these Salomon Speedcross 3s and Salomon Speedcross 4s for a brother’s eye operation,” he wrote in the caption.

His decision to auction his trail shoes as a means to cover the expenses of his friend’s eye operation earned praise from social media users. He earned praise from the netizens for his sincerity and the selfless act of putting his items up for auction to help someone in need.

The Bacolod community and beyond have been moved by his simple yet impactful effort to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

His gesture serves as a reminder that kindness knows no bounds, and even the smallest efforts can create a domino effect of goodness within a community.

His live video has a caption, “Shoes for Sight….And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased – Hebrews 13:16”

The internet users expressed their reactions to the video:

Bacolod Radio Broadcaster

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