Weight Gain: Reasons Behind Why Your Weight Loss Attempts Fail

Reasons behind why you gain weight and your weight loss attempts fail

The reasons behind why you gain weight and your weight loss attempts fail could be one of many factors. It is not surprising if you continue to gain weight despite trying almost all types of dieting and exercises.

People of all ages may experience having extra body fat. One common way to get rid of that excess is to go on a diet, but sometimes cutting out food is not enough. Most experts would usually add a number of exercises to a diet program. Exercise can help increase metabolism and burn those extra calories. But if your efforts are still not enough, you may need to take a look at some factors that affect your weight gain before starting on a diet. Or, understand why your weight-loss attempts failed. Here are some points that directly influence your body weight:

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Genes and family history

Genes may play a role in the amount of fat you store in your body. You will have a tendency to gain more weight if one or both of your parents have overweight issues. Also, mothers who are obese during pregnancy are likely to produce chubby children. In the same way, children and adolescents who were fat when they were young are more likely to be obese as adults.


Some people are overweight due to hormonal factors. Hormones can be one of the biggest influences on storing body fat. Dr. Brent Moelleken explained why people store fat in different parts of their bodies. He also identified the most common hormones as insulin, estrogen, thyroxine, and cortisol.

Lifestyle Habits

The foods and beverages you consume every day can affect your weight. If you eat more calorie-loaded meals, then you have a bigger chance of getting fat. In addition, your physical activity also contributes to your body’s structure. You will probably burn some calories if you do housework, walk, run, and the like. On the other hand, you will have a tendency to store extra fat if you spend more time sitting or lying down.

Credits To: livescience.com

Sleeping hours

How much sleep you get affects your body. Experts suggest 6–10 hours of sleep for adults. Sleeping late or not getting enough sleep may make you feel hungry. In this case, you will be tempted to eat more food and most likely store those extra calories.

Health Problems

There are cases of weight gain that could be attributed to health problems. Eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia, binge-eating, and mental health greatly affect one’s weight. Other diseases, such as hypothyroidism, endocrine diseases, stress, and other illnesses, increase the risk of weight gain.


Your environment makes a difference in your health habits. Where you live and work may make it easy or difficult to access affordable and healthy foods. You have a better chance of being in good shape if your neighborhood is a safe and conducive place to do physical activity.

Final Thoughts

Yes, you have finally identified the culprit for why you continue to gain weight or why your weight loss attempts did not work out. So what’s next? Or you are still in doubt about the real cause of your weight gain. The next best thing is to go to a professional. Look for a known health practitioner who specializes in lifestyle medicine or something similar. DIY does not work all the time.

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