Customer Expresses Disappointment at Salon After Having ‘Cateye Lash Extension’: “Ginawang practisan”

Female netizen dismayed at the outcome of her “cateye lash extension”

CATEYE LASH EXTENSION – A female customer took to social media wherein she expressed her disappointment after undergoing the process at a salon.

cateye lash extension
Credit to the rightful owner of the photos

Cateye lash extension is a style of eyelash extensions in which the longer lashes are concentrated at the outer corners of the eyes, creating a cat-eye or winged effect. The extensions are applied to the natural lashes using a semi-permanent adhesive, and can be made of synthetic materials such as silk or polyester.

They are a popular choice for people who want to enhance the shape and definition of their eyes. They can make the eyes appear wider, more lifted, and more dramatic. The length and thickness of the extensions used can be customized to suit the individual’s preferences and eye shape.

The application process is similar to that of other types of eyelash extensions, with each extension being carefully applied to a single natural lash using a specialized tool and adhesive. With proper care and maintenance, the extensions can last for several weeks before needing to be refilled or replaced.

Recently, a Shareen Lauron took to social media wherein she expressed her disappointment after going through a cateye lash extension at a salon.

Here’s the post:

Shoutout sa inyong Cateye lash extension!
Kamo nalay judge guys! Kay mao daw na ilang cateye! 😅
Imbis pa gwapa ta, himoon man nuon tag praktisanan. Nya certified lash tech daw sya 😅
Maowaw mn sad ta mo duko ani, murag gi gunting!!! 😂😂😂
PS. Wa ko kabaw ug saputon ba ko or mahimoot ko aning piloka. HAHAHHAHAHAHHA

Her post earned mixed reactions from the netizens. Here are the comments:

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