Customer Disappointed With the Purchased ‘Fried Chicken’: “The design is very Flourchicken… unang kagat tinapay lahat”

Fried chicken made of flour?

FRIED CHICKEN – A customer complained on social media about the fried chicken they had purchased in front of the Ceres Terminal in Cadiz City because the inside was made entirely of flour.

fried chicken
Credit to the rightful owner of the photos

Fried chicken is a beloved dish that has been a staple in many cuisines around the world for decades. It consists of chicken pieces that have been coated in a mixture of flour, spices, and other ingredients, and then deep-fried until crispy and golden brown. While it is often associated with fast food chains, it can also be found in upscale restaurants and home kitchens.

One of the reasons fried chicken is so popular is its versatility. It can be enjoyed as a main dish, finger food, or snack, and can be served with a variety of sides such as mashed potatoes, coleslaw, or corn on the cob. It can also be customized with different seasonings and batters, allowing it to suit a range of tastes and preferences.

Despite its delicious flavor, they should be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet. It is high in calories, fat, and sodium, and can contribute to health problems if consumed in excess. When preparing the food at home, it is important to use fresh, high-quality ingredients and to practice safe cooking techniques to avoid any potential health risks.

Meanwhile, a customer took to social media complaining about the “fried chicken” they had purchased in front of the Ceres Terminal in Cadiz City on Sunday evening, February 26. Apparently, the inside was made entirely of flour.

According to the complainant, their children were excited because they thought they were going to have “chicken joy” for their meal, but the family was disappointed when they tasted the chicken. They were not able to buy another dish because it was already late at night.

Here are the comments of some netizens:

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