Aeriel Garcia Shares Sonogram Of First Child With Patrick Sugui

Aeriel Garcia: “Boy or Girl?”

AERIEL GARCIA – The wife of actor Patrick Sugui recently took to social media to share a sonogram of their first child.

Aeriel Garcia
Screenshot from Aeriel Garcia videos on Instagram Stories

It was last month when Aeriel Garcia and Patrick Sugui announced that they’re expecting their first child together.

On Monday, Aeriel posted a sonogram of their baby on Instagram Stories and asked if their first child is a boy or a girl. She also asked the public if her baby is a mini Aeriel or a mini Patrick.

Is it a mini Pat [or] Ae” she said in her post on Instagram Stories.

Aeriel Garcia
Screenshot from Aeriel Garcia video on Instagram Stories

Her husband Patrick also shared her post on his Instagram Stories.

READ ALSO: Patrick Sugui Pens Appreciation Message For Aeriel Garcia (

To recall, it was last February 8 when Patrick posted a video on Instagram where Aeriel can be seen standing in front of a stand fan. At that time, he wrote a message of appreciation for his wife.

According to him, seeing his wife get through pregnancy just amazes him and seeing her so excited about their child melts his heart.

As much as I am excited to be a father, I’m just more excited to see her become a mother,” he wrote. “I know she’s going to be amazing. This baby is gonna be so lucky to have her as a mom.

The actor also said that he knows their home is going to be filled with happiness, laughter, and blessings for the rest of their lives.

Aeriel and Patrick got engaged last December 2020 and tied the knot last April 2022 in a star-studded ceremony in Batangas.

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