Pres. Duterte Speaks About PH COVID-19 Response, Apologizes
DUTERTE – Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte apologized for the response of the Philippines to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The biggest problem of the Philippines now is the COVID-19 pandemic. Cases are still increasing and the variant of concern, the Delta variant, was detected in the country.
The Delta variant sparked alarm for its higher transmissibility rate. In PH, cases of the said variant were first detected from returning overseas Filipinos (ROFs) until local transmissions were confirmed by the Department of Health (DOH).
The whole country remains under community quarantine measures. Supposedly, the quarantine measure in Metro Manila would be downgraded to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) and granular lockdowns would be implemented.

However, the pandemic task force decided to delay the implementation of the granular lockdown. The capital region will remain under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) until September 15, 2021.
Recently, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte spoke on the response of the country to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, the 76-year-old Chief Executive apologized.
Pres. Duterte said sorry if people think that what he is doing is not sufficient. According to him, he did everything and he is apologizing to the Filipinos if his efforts still fall short.
Furthermore, amid the calls of the healthcare workers for the release of their benefits, the President asked for time to adjust the finances which is affected by the “fluctuation of events”. He stressed that they will not hold it if only there is a fund.
Many health workers were previously on the streets as they call for the government to release their other benefits and allowances. Previously, the special risk allowance (SRA) was given but the health workers stressed that they have other benefits they have yet to receive since 2020.
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