AAMBIS-OWA Representative Sharon Garin called on to pass the proposed Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Act.

House Bill 6426 aims to establish programs to prevent teenage pregnancies and provide social protection programs for young mothers, including maternal health services, workshops, and livelihood.
Garin was alarmed by the report of the Commission on Population and Development (PopCom) that from 2011 to 2019, the number of pregnant women aged 10-14 or an average of 530 young women per day has increased by 50 percent.
The congresswoman said the economy will continue to be affected if this crisis is not resolved.
Garin pointed out that in 2017, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) reported that up to P33 billion in revenue was lost due to teenage pregnancies.
Under the said bill, youth will be given better access to reproductive health services including modern family planning methods with the guidance of trained service providers in public and private facilities.
It also includes the development of regional and local information and service and delivery networks for adolescent health, establishment of adolescent centers, social protection, and programs for parents and guardians.
The said bill is still pending in the House Committee on Youth and Sports Development.
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