House approved a bill that gave Pres. Duterte anti-red tape powers on third and final reading.
The House of Representatives on Friday approved a bill that gave President Rodrigo Duterte anti-red tape powers on third and final reading.
This, as the said bill gave President Duterte the authority to speed up the issuance of government permits and licenses in times of national emergency.

267 lawmakers voted to pass the “Act Authorizing the President to Expedite the Processing and Issuance of National and Local Permits, Licenses, and Certifications” or House Bill 7884 during the session, while six lawmakers voted against the said bill.
Under the said measure, the president was granted the authority to suspend the requirements for national and local permits, licenses, and certifications and to streamline and speed up the process of issuance as well.
Also, the President was also given the power to adjust the periods for processing and releasing documents.
The said measure covered all agencies under the executive branch — including bureaus, departments, commissions, offices, councils, boards, government instrumentalities, and even government-owned and controlled corporations.
It would also allow the President to waive or suspend the requirements needed in securing those documents.
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Further, it allowed the President to remove or suspend any government official or employee performing acts contrary to the said measure.
However, a section under the said bill stated that it shouldn’t be used to “undermine the existing procedures and processes, under applicable laws, rules and regulations, meant to protect the environment, especially those that aim to safeguard protected areas and its buffer zones, and environmentally critical areas”.
It was last Wednesday when President Duterte certified the bill as “urgent”. The Senate approved its version of the said bill on the same day.
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