Nico Bolzico Shares ‘Plantips’ For Aspiring Plantitos, Plantitas

Nico Bolzico recently shared his “plantips” for aspiring plantitos and plantitas.

Nico Bolzico recently shared his “plantips” in order for aspiring plantitos and plantitas to get started on their path to “plant parenthood”.

This, as the COVID-19 pandemic had turned a lot of Filipinos into plantitos and plantitas.

Nico Bolzico Plantitos Plantitas
Screen-captured photo from Wil Dasovich YouTube video.

In a report on Philstar, Nico shared that he’s a “big environmentalist” as he’s born in a farm, he grew up in a farm and he knew what the Earth can give and how important it was to maintain an ecosystem.

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Here are some “plantips” in order for aspiring plantitos and plantitas to get started on their path to “plant parenthood”:

Have a room for plants

You need to have a “room” for your plants no matter how big or small your living space was. However, you need to make sure that your plants can absorb natural light from the sun and water your plants well.

Pause with your plants

In case you have nothing to do in your house, you can have a rest in a place where there were plants. In that way, you can absorb natural air from your plants while having a rest for a while.

Grow plants you can eat

You need to grow not only decorative plants, but also plants that you can eat such as fruits and vegetables.

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