Facebook To Roll Out New Reaction Buttons Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Facebook will roll out new reaction buttons amid COVID-19 crisis

Facebook officially announced that the company will roll out its seventh reaction button on the Facebook app as well as the updated “heart” button on Messenger.

This, as Facebook’s EMEA Communications Manager for Engineering Alexandru Voica tweeted on his personal Twitter account, announcing the new “Care” reaction on Facebook and Messenger app.

According to Alexandru Voica, the seventh reaction button will exist starting next week.

Aside from the seventh reaction button on its Facebook app, Voica also announced that Messenger already rolled out “pulsating” purple heart reaction button. In order to update the said reaction button, users will press and hold down the existing read heart reaction in order to view the updated heart reaction.

When asked if these reaction buttons would exist temporarily, Voica said that there’s a possibility that this would make these reaction buttons permanent as Facebook, according to him, “wasn’t just tied to one moment.”

Facebook New Reaction Button

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