Jude Bacalso Faces 5 Charges Filed by Waiter He Forced to Stand for 2 Hours

Jude Bacalso

Waiter R-Jay Marcilla Has Filed Charges Against Sir Jude Bacalso JUDE BACALSO ISSUE – A waiter named R-Jay Marcilla has filed formal charges against the LGBTQIA+ writer following an incident at a restaurant last month. Jude Bacalso, a controversial travel writer and member of the LGBT community, made headlines after allegedly punishing a waiter identified … Read more

UP Basketball Player Harold Alarcon Denies Relationship with Jude Bacalso

Harold Alarcon

Harold Alarcon Denies Romantic Connection with Jude Bacalso HAROLD ALARCON – The University of the Philippines Fighting Maroons guard has firmly denied any connection with the controversial LGBT writer Jude Bacalso. The rumors began circulating after Jude posted a photo of Harold on his Instagram page, accompanied by a heartbroken emoji. This post may have … Read more

Some LGBT Suggest Addressing Anyone in Feminine Clothing as ‘Ma’am’


Some LGBT Say People Should Automatically Address Someone as ‘Ma’am’ If They Are Wearing Feminine Clothing SIR OR MA’AM? – Several LGBT individuals said that people should automatically address someone as “ma’am” if they are wearing feminine clothing. A discussion among members of the LGBT community went viral amid the controversy involving Jude Bacalso. The … Read more

Event Host Shares Bad Experience with Jude Bacalso

Jude Bacalso

First Alleged Victim of Jude Bacalso Shares Bad Experience with Him ALVIN SUAN – The event host shared his negative experience with LGBTIQIA+ writer Jude Bacalso, who recently went viral on social media for allegedly forcing a waiter to stand and listen to his lecture for two hours. Alvin recounted working with Bacalso at an … Read more

MJ Lastimosa Reacts to “Sir” Issue of Jude Bacalso

MJ Lastimosa

MJ Lastimosa gives a reaction to the issue of Jude Bacalso MJ LASTIMOSA – The beauty queen shared a humorous take on the controversy surrounding travel writer Jude Bacalso and a waiter on the social media platform ‘X’. The incident in question involved Bacalso allegedly making a waiter stand for two hours as punishment for … Read more