Tourist Falls from Train While Taking Selfie


Tourist Falls to Death While Taking Selfie on Train SELFIE – A Russian tourist tragically lost her life after attempting to take a selfie while leaning out of a moving train in Sri Lanka. According to police reports cited by the Daily Mirror, 53-year-old Olga Perminova was traveling on the Podimanike train from Colombo Fort … Read more

River in Buenos Aires, Argentina Turns Red, Alarming Residents

Buenos Aires

Red River Mystery: Pollution Concerns in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA – A stream in Sarandí, a suburb south of Buenos Aires, turned an alarming shade of red this week, raising concerns among residents about possible chemical contamination. Many locals suspect that nearby factories and tanneries may have released pollutants into the water, which flows into the … Read more

Lion Attacks Man Who Entered Cage to Film TikTok Video


Man Attacked by Lion After Entering Cage to Film TikTok Video PAKISTAN – A man was attacked by a lion after entering its cage to film a TikTok video. The incident occurred at a private breeding facility in Lahore, Punjab. The man sustained severe injuries to his face, shoulder, and arm but is now in … Read more

Landlady Removes Doors and Windows Over Unpaid Rent


Tenant Left in the Cold After Landlady Removes Doors and Windows FRANCE – A landlady in Pas-de-Calais removed the doors and windows of her tenant’s home after the tenant failed to pay rent. In many European countries, including France, evictions are prohibited during the winter months, even if tenants fail to pay their rent on … Read more

Hanoi, Vietnam Declared the Most Polluted City in the World


The Most Polluted City in the World is Hanoi, Vietnam Declared Hanoi, Vietnam, a city rich in history and culture, has recently been declared the most polluted city in the world, according to a report by AirVisual on January 3, 2025. The city reached its highest recorded pollution levels, with harmful particulate matter (PM2.5) at … Read more

200 Dinosaur Footprints Discovered in England

dinosaur footprints

Dinosaur Footprints Discovered in England ENGLAND – A remarkable “dinosaur highway,” consisting of nearly 200 footprints dating back to the Middle Jurassic period, has been discovered at a limestone quarry in Oxfordshire. These footprints, estimated to be around 166 million years old, were uncovered in June after a worker noticed an unusual bump in the … Read more

Intramuros Recognized as Asia’s Leading Tourist Attraction


Intramuros Acknowledged as Asia’s Top Tourist Destination INTRAMUROS – The Walled City in Manila has been recognized as Asia’s Leading Tourist Attraction at the 31st Annual World Travel Awards. Intramuros is a historic walled area in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, covering 0.67 square kilometers (0.26 sq mi). It was established on June 12, … Read more

Customer Finds a Rare Pearl While Eating Mussels at a Restaurant


While Eating Mussels at a Restaurant, a Customer Finds a Rare Pearl ENGLAND – A customer found a rare pearl while eating mussels at a seafood restaurant. Paige Hawkins recently celebrated her 29th birthday with her boyfriend, Jimmy Lee, alongside family and friends at The Quayside, a seafood restaurant located in Stourport, just 15 minutes … Read more

Student Travels Across China for 134 Days Without Gadgets

traveling China

Without Gadgets, Student Travels Across China for 134 Days YANG HAO – A student from China born in the 1990s embarked on a unique adventure to explore life without gadgets. As a contemporary art student in the UK, Yang decided to spend 134 days traveling across China without a smartphone or laptop, relying only on … Read more