FDA was evaluating the EUA application for Sputnik Light COVID-19 vaccine.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was evaluating the EUA application for the single-dose Sputnik Light COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA was looking into the application of Russian firm Gamaleya for an emergency use authorization (EUA) for its single-dose COVID-19 vaccine.
In President Rodrigo Duterte’s weekly “Talk to the People” briefing, FDA Director-General Eric Domingo said that Gamaleya applied to FDA for the EUA of its single-dose vaccine and was being studied by the country’s vaccine experts.
It was last May 2021 when Russian health officials approved the use of the Sputnik Light COVID-19 vaccine, a single-dose version of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, a move designed to boost COVID-19 vaccine supplies in countries with surging coronavirus infection rates.
READ ALSO: Russia OKs Use Of Single-dose Sputnik Light COVID-19 Vaccine
Medical News Today reported that the primary advantage that the Sputnik Light had over the standard Sputnik V was that it’s possible to ship the single-dose vaccine quickly to a country in the midst of an acute coronavirus outbreak.
Offering a 79.4% efficacy, Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) head Kirill Dmitriev said that Sputnik Light solved the challenge of vaccinating large groups of people in a shorter time frame.
Meanwhile, Korea Biomedical Review reported Monday that Korean contract manufacturing organization Prestige Biopharma will start producing Sputnik Light COVID-19 vaccine in September.
Based on a report, technology experts from the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) recently visited Prestige Biopharma to observe the pilot production of Sputnik Light vaccine.
Industry watchers were paying attention to whether the Korean consortium could start mass-producing the said vaccine from September.
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