Boy Kidnapped at Six in 1951 Found Alive After More Than 70 Years

Man Kidnapped as a Child Found After 73 Years

LUIS ARMANDO ALBINO – A man who was kidnapped as a child has been found alive after more than 70 years.

He was just six years old when he was taken from a park in Oakland, California, in 1951. His niece, Alida Alequin, discovered him living on the East Coast through an online DNA test, old photos, and newspaper articles.

Alequin, now 63, worked with law enforcement, including the police and the FBI, to locate her uncle. Albino, a retired firefighter and Marine Corps veteran, reunited with his family in California in June. He learned that his brother Roger, who passed away last month at 82 after battling cancer, had “died happily” knowing Luis was found.

During their emotional reunion, Albino and Alequin shared a heartfelt hug and spent time catching up. Albino also learned that his mother passed away at 92 in 2005 but never lost hope that he was alive.

Alequin shared that her uncle thanked her and hugged her for finding him. The Oakland police acknowledged Alequin’s important role in the search, stating that her efforts were key to the happy outcome.

The search for Luis started when Alequin took a DNA test in 2020, which showed a 22% match with Luis. At first, he did not reply to her message, but with help from her daughters, Alequin searched for his name online. They found pictures of him on microfilm at their local library.

Luis disappeared on February 21, 1951, after being lured away by a woman who promised him candy while he was playing with his brother. The woman took him to the East Coast, where he was raised by another couple. His current home remains undisclosed by officials or family members, but his reunion with his family has brought closure to a long-standing mystery.

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