Woman Charged with Assault After Spraying Neighbor with Water Gun

After Spraying Her Neighbor with a Water Gun, a Woman Was Charged with Assault

CANADA – A seemingly harmless event involving a water gun has turned into a legal problem for Wendy Washik, a 58-year-old resident of Simcoe in Ontario.

On September 1, 2024, Wendy attended a Labor Day barbecue and played with children using a water gun. In a later interview with CTV News, she explained that she was still getting used to the new water gun models when an accident happened. As she walked through a gate, the water gun accidentally sprayed her neighbor, who was about three feet away, while he was mowing his lawn.

The neighbor, known for being difficult in the community and often complaining to the police about minor issues, reacted by shouting and accusing Wendy of physically attacking him. Surprised by the incident, Wendy later learned that the neighbor had called the police to report himself as a victim. When officers arrived, Wendy explained her side of the story, but she was taken to the police station without being asked any questions about the incident or the water gun.

Because of the neighbor’s complaint, Wendy was charged with “assault with a weapon,” raising questions among media outlets about the seriousness of the charge given the unintentional nature of the event. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) stated that every situation is unique and that they must protect the integrity of the investigation.

In an effort to make amends, Wendy immediately apologized to her neighbor, but he refused to accept it. The emotional impact of the incident has left her in tears every night, and she has been placed on leave from her job as an educational assistant while facing potential long-term unemployment due to the unresolved case.

To help with legal fees, her family set up a GoFundMe campaign that was later taken down, and they have also started a GiveSendGo campaign, raising funds to support Wendy’s defense. With a court date set for September 24, Wendy’s story highlights how minor disputes can quickly escalate into serious legal challenges.

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