Lady Netizen Shares Experience After Developing Blisters from Running in New Shoes

Lady Netizen Shares Unique Reaction After Developing Blisters from Running Using New Shoes

A lady netizen shared a personal experience after developing blisters from running in new shoes, saying, “I should have worn longer socks”.

Recently, Kindness Dangondong, a Facebook user, shared her personal experience after developing blisters from running using new shoes. The post elicited reactions from the online community.

After purchasing a new pair of shoes, Kindness faced an unexpected challenge during a 3-mile run. Despite the shoes appearing stylish and promising comfort, they caused painful blisters, leading Kindness to walk barefoot back home.

Lady Netizen

Dangondong reflected on the experience, noting how personal choices can sometimes lead to regret. The discomfort from the shoes shows of the importance of making well-informed decisions.

The lady netizen advises against relying solely on personal feelings or biases. Instead, it’s important to gather all relevant information before making a decision. This involves seeking advice from experts or trusted sources, and considering various perspectives to make a balanced choice.

The painful lesson from the blistered feet became an opportunity for growth and reflection, demonstrating that even small missteps can lead to meaningful insights.

Lady Netizen

Here is the full post:

The pain inflicted by choice. I bought this shoes kay lage I believe they’ll be comfortable for me. Despite, Kuya’s resistance of me getting the shoes. Plus, they look cool to me too. I was happy when I got them but not until I started running in them and found myself blistering and hurting on my 3mile run (mga 5km). Ended up walking barefoot my way back to the house.

We have those moments in life where we make choices and end up regretting it right? I got mine today. This maybe small but I have reflections to share. When making choices don’t believe your own feelings and partiality. Always, gather information. Clear your goals. Pray and ask God for help. Research, seek advice from experts or trusted sources, and consider different perspectives. It will help you have better and balanced decision to meeting your desired goal.

Proverbs 15:22

“Where there is no counsel, purposes are frustrated, but with many counselors they are accomplished.”

***ikr, I should have worn longer socks.

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