Anthony Semerad was Hospitalized During a Family Trip to Japan
ANTHONY SEMERAD – The professional basketball player and husband of Sam Pinto, faced a health emergency while they were vacationing in Japan. During their trip, Sam shared the unfortunate news on social media, expressing her gratitude for the support and concern from their followers.
According to Sam, Anthony had been feeling unwell since their second day in Tokyo, February 5. He experienced a high fever, chills, headaches, joint pain, nausea, and a loss of appetite. Despite seeking medical attention on February 7, his condition didn’t improve. He tested negative for both COVID-19 and influenza, but his symptoms persisted, leading the couple to consult a doctor again.
Sadly, Anthony’s condition worsened, and they had to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital. Due to it being a Sunday, many hospitals were closed, and they faced delays before finding one that would accept him. After a blood test, doctors discovered his white blood cell and platelet count were very low. Initially unsure of the diagnosis, the hospital sent the results to Anthony’s team doctor, who confirmed that he had contracted Dengue Fever, likely from Manila.

The doctors administered IV fluids and medication to ease his symptoms, including headache and nausea, and advised Sam to return to their hotel so Anthony could rest and recover. Sam focused on keeping him hydrated and ensuring he got plenty of rest, while also caring for their toddler, all without the help of a nanny.

Sam acknowledged that Anthony’s immune system was weakened due to the demands of his career, including travel and the physical toll of his games, which likely made him more susceptible to the illness. Despite the challenges, she remained hopeful and resilient in handling the situation.

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