Student Finds Venomous Scorpion in Parcel Ordered from Shein

Student Discovers Venomous Scorpion Inside Parcel She Ordered from Shein

ENGLAND – A student had a shocking experience when she discovered a venomous scorpion inside a parcel she ordered from the fast fashion retailer Shein.

Eighteen-year-old Sofia Alonso-Mossinger had ordered a pair of boots and was startled when she opened the package to find a live scorpion moving inside. Initially thinking it was a toy, Sofia realized the reality of the situation and quickly closed the package before calling her flatmates for help.

Sofia, a student at the University of Bristol studying electronics and engineering, recounted her experience to the BBC. Upon opening the parcel, she was taken aback when she saw something moving and immediately closed the package, unsure of what to do next. Her flatmate, Phoebe Hunt, recounted how they heard Sofia scream and thought about killing the scorpion. However, after discussing it with the other flatmates, they decided to place the scorpion in a food container with a damp cloth to provide it with some moisture.

The flatmates contacted the National Centre for Reptile Welfare (NCRW), which dispatched staff to handle the situation. Chris Newman from NCRW confirmed that this was not the first time they had received similar reports about scorpions in parcels, identifying the creature as Olivierus martensii, or the Chinese scorpion. Newman stated that while the sting could be potentially life-threatening, an average adult would likely just experience significant discomfort.

Fortunately, no one was harmed in this incident. Following the report, Shein stated that they launched an internal investigation to review their shipping and packing processes. In their statement, they assured that all standard operating procedures were followed during the packing of the shipment. This incident highlights growing concerns about the safety and quality control of items ordered online, especially with the increasing popularity of online shopping in recent years.

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